Thursday, December 6, 2012

Newspaper Resume (staff writer)

Kaylee Lentz
3624 North Eager Road, Howell, MI 48855 • 810-623-6677 •
To inform your circulation of update news with accurate and interesting stories as well as learn from others to heighten my own skills

I think I would be a good asset to your paper because I really enjoy going to places I haven’t been before, meeting new people and explore the area. I’m not afraid to try new things (for the most part). I own a reliable car, so I have no problem getting around. Also, photography is a passion of mine; I would love taking photos for any articles I am assigned.

The Eastern Echo, Ypsilanti                                                                              September 2010- December 2011                                             News Editor (orig. staff writer)
Chose stories based on elements of news value particularly, timeliness and significance to the EMU and Ypsilanti communities; focused mainly on the following beats: local government, student affairs, events coverage, and
EMU administration
Contributed to most issues with one’s own articles (ie. Board of Regents meetings, Federation of Teachers,    campus renovations, news briefs, 9/11 anniversary memorial, special editions, etc.)
Assigned stories, gave direction (sources, angles—topics vs. stories, leads) and sometimes wrote last-minute
articles when things fell through
Proofread stories; always emailed feedback to authors; earned good reputation among other section writers and  was often asked to help with their assignments (earned more News writers this way)
Increased section by 29 writers from summer to fall semester; kept in touch via email with interested students    who attended Echo open house; made fliers; was an active role in writers’ boot camp sessions
Held monthly section meetings; considered pros/cons of past stories, discussed upcoming ones as well as basic writing tips for newcomers
Attended staff meetings to discuss expected stories, section layout and photo opportunities
Maintained regular office hours in between school and work schedule
Oversaw police blotter and updated News blog. Became familiar with assignment forms

Hartland Patch, Hartland                                                                                     October 2010- December 2011            Staff Writer
Wrote A&E, soft news or features; provided photos with each assignment
Submitted stories and photos online
Became familiar with Hartland and made friendly acquaintances with its residents

 The Washtenaw Voice, Ann Arbor                                                                   August 2008- May 2010
       Staff Writer
Reported on various topics
Photographed events and subjects
Traveled around state with staff to journalism workshops; attended weekly staff meetings
Co-Produced videos that accompanied my articles for The Washtenaw Voice website
       Language: Feels comfortable speaking Spanish; studied continuously throughout high school; currently working              towards a Spanish minor
       Very comfortable with AP style
       Photography:  Proud to say it’s more than a personal hobby; completed college-level courses (Photo 1, Digital      Imaging I, Photojournalism, Advanced studio portraits) and has become knowledgeable in artistic, technical and business elements of photography; hired to shoot a wedding ceremony; attended Todd & Brad Reed’s Picture Perfect Weekend     Workshop in Ludington; owns a personal Digital SLR camera                          
       Computer programs: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Adobe Photoshop, Reader, DreamWeaver, Lightroom
MPA Better Newspaper Contest: Won first place for news story                                                     2009
MCCPA Press Day: Won first place for in-depth news story                                                                        2009
MPA College Newspaper Contest: First place for video production and multimedia reporting                                            as well as second place for video production                                                                                     2010
ACP/MCP National College Media Convention: Won a third place best of show award for a two-year broadsheet                                                                                                                                                2008
Article titled, “AATA to ease WCC parking,” featured in The Ann Arbor News                                         2009
 Eastern Michigan University                                                                                September 2010- Present
              Ypsilanti, MI) Courses for Bachelor’s Arts & Science
              Journalism major, Spanish minor

             Washtenaw Community College                                                                       September 2008- July 2010
  (Ann Arbor, MI) General Education courses

  Howell High School                                                                             September 2004- May 2008
              (Howell, MI) General and Advanced Courses

Diving: PADI-certified in Advanced Open Water and Underwater Photography courses; earned Open Water certification at 12-years-old; future goals include earning  Dive Master certification as well as writing for a dive publication
            Guitar playing, camping, and interior decorating

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