Thursday, December 6, 2012

Ypsi City Council votes 'flush' to raise water, sewer rates

In a unanimous vote Oct. 2, Ypsilanti City Council approved an ordinance to increase water and sewer rates within the city.
A month prior, the Ypsilanti Community Utilities Authority Board of Commissioners approved a recommendation that was presented at the first council meeting of the month.
The ordinance read that two rate adjustments will take place: a 5 percent increase in water rates and 3 percent in sewer rates.
A combined effect of the rate adjustments will be a 4 percent increase to city provision customers into bi-monthly water and sewer bills. A city provision minimum user will see a 4 percent increase of $2.80 on a bi-monthly water and sewer bill or $1.40 per month. An average user will see a 4 percent increase of $5.42 on a bi-monthly water and sewer bill or $2.71 per month.
Presenting the recommendation was YCUA interim director Jeff Castro.
“Although Detroit Water and Sewerage Department has increased its water rate to the YCUA by 8.7 percent, which took effect July 1, we were able to reduce water rates to YCUA customers to 5 percent due to containment and other operating costs in addition to lower costs of purchasing water resulting from a dissipated increase in consumption,” Castro said. “The authority has managed its finances well over the past few years since the economic downfall, reducing expenses and staff. With the increase cost of electricity, gas and chemicals has made it necessary for the sewer rate adjustment.”
According to Castro, all bills rendered prior to Nov. 25 will be charged using existing rates. All bills after will reflect the new changes.
There has been a review of the purchasing and usage of units of water. For example, senior citizens have a minimum bill of six units of water. Likewise, some customers who use three units are still charged for a minimum of six. Castro said the YCUA is looking into some kind of records record to eliminate that so if customers use three units of water, they will pay for three units of water.
Several Ypsilanti residents weren’t happy to hear about the extra fee but they agreed it wasn’t worth fighting over.  Sidetrack Bar and Grill employee Alexandra Bushaw gave her opinion.
“I already pay out the roof for my cell phone bill, so if this is necessary, I don’t really mind,” Bushaw said. “Gas and housing in Ypsi is pretty affordable. Unless it gets out of hand, where city council is raising prices on every little thing, why not?”
When asked for his opinion at the Oct. 2 meeting, Council Member Mike Bodary, who also serves on the YCUA, stayed mostly neutral but did mention the board’s efforts.
"I appreciate the board being able to modify the increase of the water rate and the sewage rate based on cost-cutting efforts it's done," Bodary said. "It's difficult when you’re locked into one supplier of water. We’re at the mercy of the Detroit Water Board."
The Oct. 2 council meeting at City Hall raised a 6-0 vote. Mayor Pro Tem Lois Richardson was absent.

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